On Platform 2 – The European Edition
On Platform 2 – The European Edition
Märklin, Gauge 1 | 2023 | Marker on plastic | 82,5 x 13 x 9 cm
In 2001, Tripl made his first piece, and his first train followed a year later. For him, the most interesting point about painting rolling stock is how it activates primal instincts: one becomes a hunter and is being hunted at the same time. In combination with creativity and all the feelings involved, Tripl considers it a killer mixture for a hobby.
His painting is characterized particularly by inspiration.
He has a playful-adventurous-innovative approach to his artistic œuvre. The resulting works are often in an optical-illusory-cinematictechnical area, less in a comic-like field. Tripl seems no idea too far-fetched to be not transferred into writing.
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04 – 05 | 2023 On Platform 2 – The European Edition Düsseldorf, Hood-Projects
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MTN World Blog MTN World blog article (en)